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Information and Support Services

CDS's information services provide efficient, secure and reliable means for participants to manage their assets and reporting obligations.


    ATONTM (Account Transfer Online Notification) automates the exchange and confirmation of requests for transfer of client assets and funds between financial intermediaries. ATON users include broker-dealers and other regulated financial firms such as banks, trust companies, intermediaries, investment fund dealers, insurance companies and credit unions. Using ATON to facilitate transfers of client portfolios translates to improved customer service.

    ATONTM product sheet

  • CDS test region facilities

    CDS maintains test region facilities allowing participants, non-participants, service bureaus and third-party vendors to test CDS functions. CDS publishes its calendar of available testing days. To arrange to test in a region, complete and submit form CDSX844, available from the Forms Online database.

  • CDSX Security Master File

    CDS's CDSX Security Master File (SMF) is the authoritative source of information on securities issued in the Canadian market as well as U.S. and foreign securities that are CDSX-eligible.

    CDSX Security Master File product sheet

  • Corporate Actions Liability Management service

    CDS's Corporate Actions Liability Management service enables participants to use a central web-based point of access to submit, track and maintain corporate action liability records.

    Learn more

  • CUID Directory

    The customer unit identifier (CUID ) is the four letter identifying code CDSX® and the ATONTM system use for communications between CDS and members of the financial community. CDS provides a public directory of CUID codes currently in use. A change list identifies codes that have been issued, changed or deleted in the system.

  • Delivery services

    For most of CDS's history, participants have been using CDS's delivery services to save money while reducing their risk exposure when shipping securities and other documents -- whether locally or inter-city. CDS offers seven basic delivery services to participants:

    Consolidated Courier Service enables CDS participants to ship securities and other documents at rates that are lower than standard armoured courier rates by consolidating shipments.

    Transfer Envelope Service (same-city and intercity) enables CDS participants to ship securities and other documents to transfer agents, issuers and trustees for re-registration, using a centralized delivery service.

    Deposit and Withdrawal Service enables participants to deposit certificated securities to or withdraw certificated securities from their ledger positions.

    Branch-to-Branch Service enables CDS participants to ship securities and other documents between CDS branches in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary

    International Deliveries Service enables CDS participants to deliver deposits, withdrawals and other documents to the Depository Trust Company (DTC).

    Settlement Deliveries Service enables CDS participants to facilitate settlement delivery to other participants.

    Remote Transfer Service enables participants to send deposits and withdrawals to transfer agents and other transferors outside of CDS's operating centres.

  • Dividend Eligibility Reporting service

    CDS's Dividend Eligibility Reporting Service provides participants with a central point of reference on tax eligibility information on dividends declared by Canadian corporations to facilitate the preparation of T5 tax information slips for their customers. The service provides information on dividends issued by public corporations that are eligible for favourable tax treatment, according to Canadian tax legislation introduced in 2007.

    Dividend Eligibility Reporting Service product sheet

  • Entitlements Information services

    As the nominee security holder of record for most Canadian securities, CDS is first to receive data from Canadian issuers and their transfer agents. This makes CDS the authoritative source of information on Canadian entitlements and corporate actions, facilitating distribution to the marketplace via the following services:

    CDS Bulletins, Enhanced Bulletins and Bulletins Select
    Updated throughout the day, Bulletins provides subscribers with consolidated event data. The Enhanced Bulletins service appends related issuer documents and the Bulletins Select service lists all corporate actions relating to mutual fund and limited partnership issues by tax reporting type (T3, T5 or T5013). 

    CDSX Entitlements Data Feed provides a daily batch file accessible through file transfer protocol (FTP) while CDS Entitlements Messaging provides real-time event data reported through SWIFT messages. CDSX Entitlements Data Feed and CDS Entitlements Messaging Information can be relayed directly to intermediaries and their customers without manual intervention.

    CDSX Online Access provides real-time event data through the CDSX user interface used by participants to access CDS's services. 

    Entitlements Information Services product sheet

    Corporate Action & Entitlement Events and ISO15022 Standards 

  • ESIR

    Electronic Settlement Instruction Registry (ESIR) is a central database of settlement agency instructions that CDS participants use to report client trades.

  • Forms online

    This service helps participants retrieve commonly used forms as required by CDS rules or procedures. 

    Forms Online

  • InterLink

    InterLink is a CDS service used to submit trade messages and a variety of other messages to CDS during the trading day. It is a real-time, machine-to-machine interface between participants' back-office computer systems and CDSX.

  • Mutual Fund and Limited Partnership Tax Breakdown service

    CDS's Mutual Fund and Limited Partnership Tax Breakdown subscription service provides tax breakdown information on distributions made by mutual fund trusts, mutual fund corporations and limited partnerships for reporting on T3, T5 and T5013 information slips. The information eliminates the need to collect tax breakdown information directly from issuers or manually from public websites and provides participants with an accurate, single source of information to ensure compliance with tax reporting requirements.

    Mutual Fund and Limited Partnership Tax Breakdown subscription service product sheet

  • Outbound files

    Outbound files is a service that creates outgoing electronic data files on a variety of clearing transactions. Participants can retrieve outbound files and input them into their systems for reconciliation, recordkeeping, analysis and other purposes.

  • Report Management System

    The Report Management System (RMS) enables CDS Customers, including CDS customers of New York Link and DTC Direct Link, to view, print and load or recall archived data reports that contain information on trade activity status, lines of credit summaries, settled or unsettled transactions, detailed or consolidated cash recaps and short positions. RMS also delivers special reconciliation reports to Automated Confirmation Transaction (ACT) users.

For complete information on these services refer to CDS's User Documentation or contact a CDS customer service representative.